Feed A Student

During a recent fundraiser, we gave donors an opportunity to buy a lunch for a student. It started off as a way for parents to pay for their childrens lunches on the days when a lunch was offered by the school. But then one generous person stepped forward and offered to pay for half the students lunches, and then another person stepped forward. Soon, we had three fully paid for lunches where each students who came forward and asked for a lunch recieved a full meal absolutely free.
As of April 1st, 2024, this program has raised over $3,000 and fully paid for 3 lunches.
UPDATE: As of April 10th, we are no longer accepting donations towards lunches during the 2023-23 school year. We appreciate the generosity of everyone who donated, volunteered, and supported the ‘Feed The Student’ program.
Any further generous donations can be redirected towards the Tuition Offset Program. Your generous contribution enables us to maintain affordable tuition for our families, ensuring that every student has access to quality education. Thank you for your support!”